HANDY is a simple monk who serves Thai and American society. He live in the Thai monastery in Silver Spring, Maryland since 1992. He is Yoga and Meditation master, especially Theravadin tradition.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Reap What You Sow

This religion satisfies man's most profound and lofty aspirations and yet is able to bear the stress and strain of man's everyday life, helping him in his contact with his fellow men, besides giving a purpose in life. It does not instill fear in people. "Good begets good and bad begets bad." "Every action has its reaction." These are universal laws. This religion fully agrees with these laws, hence people have to "reap what they sow." Evil deeds are perpetrated by people due to their greed, anger and ignorance. Such weaknesses can only be overcome through self realisation. Pleasure and pain which people experience in this world are not due to some external influences but due to the good and bad actions, words and deeds which they themselves have committed. For this very reason, this religion says: 'We are the results of what we were, and we will be the results of what we are."

According to this teaching, cause and effect play a very important part in our fives. In a circle of cause and effect a first cause is inconceivable for the cause ever becomes the effect and the effect in turn becomes the cause.


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